Roger Federer Opens Up on Coaching Debate

 In ATP, ATP News

For some time now, there has been a mass debate raging in tennis: whether or not coaches should have more of a say. You practice with this person and learn from them every day; why should they not be able to talk to you and give you more information and advice on the coaching challenges to come?

However, tennis legend Roger Federer believes that things are fine as they are. Having been asked about it, Federer said: “The goal has to be that more players can profit, so they are more able to travel and can afford to make themselves a living through their work,

“And from that, they will be able to have better teams. Because of this, I’m against the development of having coaching at the US Open.

“I find it unfair – I believe I have the best team in the world, when I get to have coaching from them while the other person perhaps doesn’t even have a coach, or doesn’t have the right coach, that would make him [the opponent] much worse off.

“For these reasons, I honestly wouldn’t like to have this development.”

It’s a debate that has gone on for some time, with many not sure what is the ‘right’ course of action. For some, it’s a debate that will likely never have a satisfying solution. With so much disparity in what should and should not be done, though, it’s more likely that coaching won’t become more prevalent.

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